2024/7/15 13:10:12
译联社观点:跨境电商正以其新模式、快速应变和低成本特点,成为推动外贸稳定增长和优化结构的重要力量。江苏积极创新,聚焦服务质量提升、产业集聚和生态构建,探索高质量的跨境电商发展路径。这些举措共同推动了跨境电商的蓬勃发展。EUP Viewpoint: Cross border e-commerce is becoming an important force in promoting stable growth and optimizing the structure of foreign trade with its new model, rapid response, and low cost characteristics. Jiangsu actively innovates, focusing on improving service quality, industrial agglomeration, and ecological construction, exploring high-quality cross-border e-commerce development paths. These measures have jointly promoted the vigorous development of cross-border e-commerce.

    跨境电商凭借模式新、应变快、成本低等特点,正在成为推动外贸稳规模、优结构的有生力量。今年以来,我省各地重点聚焦优服务、聚产业、造生态,积极探索跨境电商高质量发展新模式。    Cross border e-commerce, with its new model, fast response, and low cost, is becoming a driving force for stabilizing the scale and optimizing the structure of foreign trade. Since the beginning of this year, various regions in Jiangsu province have focused on providing excellent services, industries, and creating ecosystems, actively exploring new models for high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce.

无锡:数字赋能多点发力Wuxi: Empowering Cross border E-commerce with Digital Power and Making Multiple Efforts
    直播间内,百马科技的工作人员正在拍摄产品教学和营销视频,这些视频将被投放到海外社交媒体平台,让海外买家能第一时间了解到产品的最新功能。今年1-5月,企业跨境电商总销售额达4813万元,同比增长70%。    In the live broadcast room, staff from Baima Technology are filming product teaching and marketing videos, which will be posted on overseas social media platforms, allowing overseas buyers to learn about the latest features of the product in a timely manner. From January to May this year, the total sales of cross-border e-commerce by enterprises reached 48.13 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70%.
    企业触网出海、聚点成带,宜兴紫砂、锡山电动车、滨湖高端精密智造等纷纷“进驻”跨境电商赛道,“跨境电商+产业带模式”成为新业态和优质供应链的有力组合。同时,无锡不断织密“空中货运通道”,“提速”跨境电商货物运输。今年4月,无锡至墨西哥城全货运航线开通,带动跨境电商包裹量跃升。此外,无锡还构建了跨境电商“一系统、两中心、N平台”公共服务体系,为外贸企业提供跨境转型、通关物流、品牌推广、数字营销、人才培育等全流程提供专业化服务。   Enterprises have ventured overseas and formed clusters, with Xishan electric vehicles, Binhu high-end precision intelligent manufacturing, and others entering the cross-border e-commerce track. The "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt model" has become a powerful combination of new formats and high-quality supply chains. At the same time, Wuxi continues to weave a dense "air freight channel" and "accelerate" cross-border e-commerce cargo transportation. In April this year, the full freight route from Wuxi to Mexico City was opened, driving a surge in cross-border e-commerce package volume. In addition, Wuxi has also established a public service system for cross-border e-commerce with one system, two centers, and N platforms, providing professional services for foreign trade enterprises throughout the entire process of cross-border transformation, customs clearance logistics, brand promotion, digital marketing, and talent cultivation.
      无锡海关副关长沙锦锋说:“在强化政策供给、提升通关效率、拓展物流通道、培育企业主体等方面发力 ,帮助传统外贸企业加快数字化转型,全力推动跨境电商新业态持续较快发展。”    Changsha Jinfeng, Deputy Customs Officer of Wuxi Customs, said, "We will make efforts to strengthen policy supply, improve customs clearance efficiency, expand logistics channels, cultivate enterprise entities, and help traditional foreign trade enterprises accelerate digital transformation, fully promoting the sustained and rapid development of new cross-border e-commerce formats."

    常熟:首开越南胡志明市海外仓 让中小微企业“出海”更便捷Changshu: Opening an Overseas Warehouse in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for Small and Medium sized Enterprises to "Go Global" More Conveniently
    常熟“市采通”平台是常熟打造的全国首个市场采购贸易企业端综合服务平台,为不同外贸企业客户打造一站式、差异化解决方案。近日,该平台在越南胡志明市开设了首个海外仓。6月23日,一家日用百货商行的集装箱通过该平台发出,这也成为常熟发往该海外仓的第一单。与直邮模式比较,整个物流过程可以缩短两到三天,大幅降低跨境电商国际物流成本、提高物流效率。此外,海外仓还提供增值服务,包括售后服务、一件代发等,满足消费者多样化的需求。    The Changshu "City Procurement Communication" platform is the first comprehensive service platform for market procurement and trade enterprises in China built by Changshu, providing one-stop and differentiated solutions for different foreign trade enterprise customers. Recently, the platform opened its first overseas warehouse in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. On June 23rd, a container from a daily department store was shipped through the platform, making it the first shipment from Changshu to the overseas warehouse. Compared with direct mail mode, the entire logistics process can be shortened by two to three days, significantly reducing international logistics costs for cross-border e-commerce and improving logistics efficiency. In addition, overseas warehouses also provide value-added services, including after-sales service, one piece shipping, etc., to meet the diverse needs of consumers.
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